First Communion is celebrated usually in the second grade. This sacrament follows the reception of First Penance. The Religious Education & Youth Faith Formation department coordinates the preparation and celebration of this sacrament for children both in the day school and the RE programs. The sacrament is celebrated as a parish community.
To receive this sacrament the child needs to have attained the age of discretion, which is usually around the age of seven or above; be baptized; be Catholic; made his/her first confession; be able to show reverence for God and consider Jesus a friend; and know how to participate in the Mass.
A child is ready to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist when he/she is:
The preparation program includes activities that are completed at home and in the formal education setting of SIJ – School or Religious Education program. Preparation for this sacrament is done during the winter months and the reception of the sacrament is usually celebrated in May.
If your child is in a grade other than second, please contact the Director of Religious Education & Youth Faith Formation for more information.
*NOTE: A Baptismal Certificate is required for all children receiving First Communion.