Each October, our parish joins many parishes across the diocese and our nation and erect a Field of Crosses in solemn memorial to the nearly 3,000 innocent lives being aborted daily in the United States. This is just one way our parish acknowledges the tragedy wrought by a diminished respect for the gift of life, as we seek to raise prayerful awareness and action to right this horrible wrong. It is also a message to all post-abortive men and women that the Church is a place ofmercy, forgiveness and hope. We stand ready to assist those who need help dealing with the aftermath of an abortion. Various opportunities for assistance are available. Should you need help, contact one of our priests. Our hope is that this display moves people to work toward seeking mercy and peace, to become more active in protecting the unborn, and to pray.
Each January, baby bottles are distributed to raise funds to support the life-saving work of local pregnancy centers. The center’s services are free and confidential, including pregnancy tests, counsel, ultrasounds, material goods, community resource liaising, and parenting assistance. Your donations make this possible.